The movie follows the life of Cecil Gaines played by Forest Whitaker who is a butler serving at the white house over the course of many different presidencies. These presidencies follow the civil rights movement fighting for the end of racial discrimination and segregation. Cecil’s point of view is the main focus of the movie it does verge of to show his son who is participating in the movement. This causes a rift to form between the father and son because they have different approaches to solving racial discrimination. Cecil’s approach is more slow and steady by building trust and respect between him and the president’s he serves. He figures by working hard it will solve the problem instead of the more forceful way his son is attempting. Where as his son resorts to bold statements and movements to try and solve the issue. Cecil reconnects with his son at the end of the movie both supporting the civil rights movement. Overall this movie gives you a more in depth look as to what the lives of regular black Americans experienced went through. How this time tore families apart just like it did with Cecil and his son.
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