Ascending Jupiter vs Wonder Woman (Tianna)

First paragraph
The first paragraph will give very brief descriptions of the plots in both the movies. The first movie being the 2017 Wonder Women and the second 2015 Ascending Jupiter. Doing so will help give context to what will be referenced in later paragraphs. In Wonder Woman the leading character Diana embarks on a journey after Steve Trevor crashes onto her home island. In Ascending Jupiter the main character Jupiter starts off as a powerless house cleaner to later find out she’s an heiress to an intergalactic galaxy.

Second Paragraph
The second paragraph will talk about feminism representation in Wonder women and the lack of feminism in Jupiter ascending. In Wonder Woman Diana is portrayed as independent, courageous and possesses a sense of moral clarity. An example of this is when Diana walks into no mans land defying limits set by men. Due to the success of this film it is seen as a large step forward for superhero films with a female lead. In Ascending Jupiter, Jupiter is being placed in scenarios she needs saving from by the male lead/ her love interest. One example of this is when she needs to be saved from Titus de Vries. This goes against everything feminists stand for. The two leads of these two movies are portrayed in two very different ways.

Third Paragraph
The topic of the first paragraph will perfectly lead into the topic for the third paragraph. After talking about feminism in the previous paragraph this one will go further into depth on one of the topics briefly mentioned when talking about feminism. This topic being the portrayal of stereotypical gender roles in both movies. In Wonder Woman Diana defies gender roles because unlike most female characters especially in action/ superhero movies she never needs the male love interest to save her. She is capable of saving herself and even saving others in need. Breaking her out of the female stereotype of always needing to be saved. Whereas In Ascending Jupiter, Jupiter is always getting into situations she needs saving from. At the start of the movie she is even working as a house cleaner, a role often more associated with females than males.

Fourth Paragraph
In my fourth paragraph I will talk about the slight undertone of postcolonialism in both movies. In wonder woman Diana comes from an island without men and free of colonialism. Since it has not been colonized by anyone it can be seen as a sort of post colonialism free utopia, but when Diana leaves the island is when this undertone really comes into play. By entering what could be referenced as the ‘real world’ Diana explores a world filled with violence, greed and imperialism all of which connect to colonialism as a whole. In Ascending Jupiter, Jupiter is from a working class immigrant family. The movie also has the Abrasax family controlling planets that have been colonised by their ancestors.

Shared By: Tianna Strasser
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1 Comment

  1. tatkins

    Ok, good comparison! Now all you need is to talk about how the mise en scene, etc is different for each or how it maybe changes when the wonder woman character leaves her female utopia for the ‘real world’. Are there camera moves, edits that set the two protagonists apart as well? Scholarly source?

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